

Ong rabbit is coming! Chinese New Year celebration falls on 19th January 2023. All polywarians gathered together and reunited while some in others brunches (Plant Z, Plant P, Plant M & NCC Semenyih).

Celebrants took the opportunity to catch up with friends and colleagues, enjoy the festival in this day.

The event had been divided into few sessions. The first will be opening speech provided by our CEO – Mr Chong. Next, video of introduce eShop presented by BMD team. IERP presentation, 2022 Polyware throwback, long excellent service award, CNY greeting wish by polywarian & NCC team and the most supported which is lucky draw session. Our CBDO – Ms Lim to provided closing speech to ended up of the celebration event.

Lastly, Polyware wish you in year of rabbit may all your wishes come true. Happy Chinese New Year to everyone!

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